Certainly, this blessed month ( Ramadhaan) is one full of blessings, mercies, forgiveness and abundant rewards. Therefore the servants of Allaah have to occupy themselves with lots of act of ibaadah ( Worship). Which are very important we engaged ourselves in. Some of which we will look into below:
1. Observing the five daily prayers completely.
2. Reciting the holy Qur’an.
3. Qiyaam layl standing up for prayer at night.
4. Ad du’a supplications and invocations.
5. Adh dhikr Remembrance of Allaah.
6. I’tikaaf seclusion in the mosque for worship
7. Sadaaqoh charity giving.
8. ‘ Umrah lesser pilgrimage.
9. Avoid backbiting and other unruly behaviour.
10. Avoid excessive sleep/ sleeping too much.
11. Avoid wasting time on unnecessary things.
1. Observing the five daily prayers completely: This is compulsory even before Ramadhaan, and it must be at its ddue time, it must not be delayed. Fasting without observing the five daily prayers is like making du’a and not acting towards the prayer and thus reduce the chance of it being answered.
Also, there will be no acceptance of fast for one who do not pray before and during Ramadhaan, as a saying of the prophet SAW goes; ” that which is between a man and disbelief is leaving the prayers. This shows the great essence of the five daily prayers.
2. The most desirable act or the best act to be doing in this month is the recitation of the holy Qur’an because it is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed.
It evidence is clear from the words of Allaah SWT: ” the month of Ramadhaan in which therein the Qur’an was sent down,as a guide and a criterion… ( Surotul baqaaroh: 185). Also from the prophet SAW saying, in which he said the recitation of the letters each is 10 reward, then he give examples by using Alif laam meek, recitation each , one has ten Rewards, making thirty for the three. So what about if one now recite the whole Qur’an or in the month of Ramadhaan, in which all good deeds are in multiples? Let’s make Qur’an our Companion,it is not too late.
3. Qiyaam layl ( standing up for prayer at night): This is the rising up in the night to observe voluntary prayers, hoping for reward from Allaah. The prophet SAW said;” the best month of after Ramadhaan is Muharram while the best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer”.
4. Ad du’a ( supplications and invocations): it is the essence of worship and a weapon for the believers, which can be use to be victorious in any battle i.e to make any requests from Allaah and be granted.
5. Adh dhikr ( remembrance of Allaah): remembrance of Allaah is important in this month due to the fact that it is the month of forgiveness, repentance and mercy which we should seek from Allaah by His remembrance.
6. I’tikaaf ( seclusion in the mosque for worship): This is devoting a specific time to be spent in the mosque for worship during the last days of Ramadhaan. It should be done in a mosque where Friday is held.
7. Sadaaqoh ( charity giving): one of the best thing to be doing in this month is to be giving charity to the poor and the needy. The Prophet’s generosity do reach its peak in the month of Ramadhaan.
8. ‘Umrah ( lesser pilgrimage): The Prophet SAW used to perform ‘umrah doing this month , so who have the means should perform it for there is surely great rewards in it and it is said to be equivalent to hajj.
9. Avoid backbiting and other unruly behaviour: backbiting and other unruly behaviour should be avoided because it lessen the reward of the fast and it even invalidate it if it is too much.
10. Avoid excessive sleep/ sleeping too much: it is not advisable to sleep too much because it weakens the body and damage the brain, it waste time and also prevent one from performing deeds that are rewarding.
11. Avoid wasting time on unnecessary things: Wasting of useful time should be avoided e.g watching television show, discussing irrelevant things and spending more time on social media e.t.c.
And Allaah knows best
( AsSaalimiy Aboo’Abdillaah).