All praise and adoration be unto Allaah SWT, the Lord of the whole universe, the king of the day of accountability, then I beseech the everlasting mercy and blessing upon the noblest of mankind, the leader of the prophet, his household, his companions and all those who follow his path till the day of accountability, Aameen.
Verily, the last ten days of Ramadhaan is here, in which there is a night , better, mightier than a thousand months. The night in which occurrence for the whole year is written by Allaah’s permission.
This is the night in which the first passages of the Qur’an was revealed to our beloved Prophet SAW. Sincere worship and devotion in this night is better in value than 1000 ( one thousand) months of worship. Angel Jibril and other angels descend to the earth in this night invoking blessings on those who are worshipping Allaah SWT. Allaah says:
” Verily, we revealed it ( Qur’an) in the night of majesty; and did you know what the night of majesty is?; The night of majesty is better than one thousand months;the angels descended and the holy spirit ( angel Jibril) in it by Allaah’s permission with all Decrees; peace! ( All that night, there is peace and goodness from Allaah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn( fajr).”
The prophet SAW said:” whoever stood in prayer in the night of majesty, on the basis of Imaam( faith) and seeking the reward from Allaah, Allaah will forgive his previous sins” ( agreed upon).
The night is not specifically known to us, though the prophet was shown in a dream but he was made to forget, so that we will strive to look for it.
However the prophet SAW said:” look for the night of majesty in the last ten days of Ramadhaan ( related by Ahmad, Al Bukhari and Muslim).
The least thing that should be done in that night is to observe solaat-ul ‘ ishaa and fajr in congregation.
Prayer, recitation of the Qur’an and supplications are highly recommended acts of worship.
Concerning the time of the Laylatul Qadr, it is said in an Hadith of the prophet SAW, narrated by ‘Abdullaah BN’ Umaar ( may Allaah be pleased with both of them he said: the messenger of Allah said:” let him i.e the seeker of laylatul Qadr seek it in the last seven days of Ramadhaan”. It was also mentioned in another narrated by our mother, ‘Aaishah ( may Allaah be pleased with her) that the messenger of Allah ( S.A.W) said:” seek laylatul Qadr in the odd number nights of the last ten days of Ramadhaan”. ( Sahih Bukhari and Muslim).
But most Ahadith favour the occurrence of Laylatul Qadr on the 27th night of Ramadhaan.
Allaah’s messenger (S.A.W) said:” its sign i.e laylatul Qadr’s sign is that in the following morning, the sun rises white without rays”( sahih muslim).
Also from a narration, Abu hurayroh was reported to have said:
“We were discussing laylatul Qadr and Allaah’s messenger said: who amongst you remembers the night when the moon appeared like half a pot? ( Sahih Muslim)?
From the above narration, we deduce that among the signs of laylatul Qadr is the appearance of the
Moon like half a pot.
May Allaah guide us, Aameen.
The Du’a ( Supplication) recommended by the prophet SAW to his wife, Aa’ishah (R.A) to be saying through the last days of Ramadhaan is:
” اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني”
” O Allaah; you are the forgiver ( one who overlooks), who loves to forgive ( to overlook), so forgive me( overlook my shortcomings, my sins)” ( Imaam Ahmad BN Hanbal and Imaam Tirmidhi) .
May Allaah accept all our act of ibaadah
May Allaah accept our fast and grant us jannat-ul Firdaus.
May Allaah forgive us all our sins and shortcomings and protect us from the evil of the grave and Masih ad dajjal.
May He count among those that will benefit from this last days of Ramadhaan, Aameen thumma Aameen.
AsSaalimiy Aboo’Abdillaah
Abdussalaam Alimi