How To Strengthen Your Relationship With Allah As A Muslim

The most effective way is to learn or study the Qur’an. Recite it regularly and ponder on the meanings. Tranquillity then descends, and our hearts become soft and re-establish its connection to the Creator.

Remind yourself that ALLAH is speaking to you in the Quran to get optimum benefits. People are described in different categories in the Quran; think of which one you find yourself in. If you can’t recite or understand the Quran, please start learning how to recite it; it doesn’t matter if you read the Arabic or English version. It would be best if you also tried listening to Tafseer regularly to know what your Creator wants from you and for you.

Speak with Allah. Do not simply memorize any set of du’aa (supplication). However, open your heart to Him and communicate with Him.

Remember that He is closer to you than anybody or anything else in the world, that He loves you more than anyone else, and that He is merciful to you even more than your mother. He wants to hear about your hopes, worries, joys, and sorrows.

Realize the greatness of ALLAH. Whatever is happening to you, good or bad, is by the permission of ALLAH as a trial or test on your Imaan. Everything is under HIS control. There are signs in everything we see that point us to HIS greatness, and everything happens according to HIS permission.

ALLAH keeps track and looks after everything, even a black ant on a black rock on a black moonless night. ALLAHU AKBAR. Always try to find the positive reasons for whatever happens to you, not the negatives.

Study the beautiful story of how ALLAH prepared Yuusuf Alaihi Salaam into greatness through the most challenging situations along the line.

And know that whatever Allaah has ordained for you will never pass you, while that which is not meant for you will never be yours.

Let’s place our trust in Allaah and accept whatever Allaah brought upon us as Qadar, but we must strive for Goodness and be Optimistic in all situations.

May ALLAH grants us the Quran knowledge, keep guiding our Imaan, and protects us from any satanic influences. Aameen!



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