Ruling of Protest

Violence protest is an act condemned by the prophet SAW and he warns the Muslims against it, it bring...

Eating and Drinking during Fajr time

The 'Allaamah Al muhadith Ash shaykhMuhammad Nasir-Deen Al-Albaani   said:❝The Prophet  said: 'If one of you hears the call to prayer...

What are the Benefits of the Winds in Al- Quran perspective?

(And We send the winds fertilizing.) i.e., fertilizing the clouds so that they give rain, and fertilizing the trees so that...

SURATUL TAWBAH: Why there is no Basmalah in the Beginning of This Surah

(1. Freedom from (all) obligations (is declared) from Allah and His Messenger () to those of the Mushrikin (idolaters), with whom...

Exemplifying Benefits from Surotul Fatihah

These are some of the numerous benefits of the ( ummul kitaab) i.e surotul FĀTIHAH."For, truly, all of the...

How Abdul Mutalib Was Named

Hashim married the daughter of the chieftain of Al-Madinah (Yathrib at that time). She gave birth to a son who was...

Why Tawheed (Oneness of God) before every other Pillars of Islam?

Tawheed is the greatest pillar of the five pillars of Islam. One can not become a Muslim without singling out Allaah...

Importance Of Giving Charity In Islam

This is a wonderful story about the importance of giving charity.Once upon a time, there was a man named...

Is Al-Quran Truly The Speech Of Allah?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالقران هو كلام الله غير مخلوق ولكن المعتزلة يقول في أفواههم، القران هو مخلوق، و هذا...

Why Islam Is Being Studied?

Why do we study Islam? Firstly, we know that people seem to study Islamic studies in order to obtain a...