Between Musa and Fir`awn in Surat Ash- Shu’ara

Between Musa and Fir`awn in Surat Ash- Shu'araThere has reportedly been several controversial narration of what transpired between prophet Musa and...

The Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt: Narration of Al Qur’an

The Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt: Narration of Al Qur'anThe people of Isreal were severally mentioned in Holy...

The Command to marry in Islam: Tafsir Suratul Nur

The Command to marry in Islam: Tafsir Suratul Nur Marriage is a compulsory act of Ibaadah in Islam and it is mandatory...

The Demand of the People of prophet Nuh and His Response

Among the early prophets of Allah is prophet Nuh who was created amidst scores of disbelievers. He was popular for his...

How The Qur’an was mentioned in the Previous Scriptures

There have been several mentions in the Holy Qur'an where Allah explained distinguishing features of Al Qur'an, among them, was when...

Prophet Salih and the People of Thamud: Tafsir Surat Shu’ara

Prophet Salih and the People of Thamud: Tafsir Suratul Shu'ara There have been several mentions of the adventures of prophet Saleh and...

The Exception of the Poets of Islam: Tafsir Surat Ash- Shu’ara

In the ancient Arab, before the arrival of the Al Qur'an, poetry is one of the respected professions as the people...

Acting upon the Qur’an

The Holy Qur'an is the divine message from Allah SWT to be a guide in their worldly lifeIt was...

The Qur’an as a Reminder and a Revelation from Allah

Allah (SWT) in the noble Qur'an has explained the distinguishing features that exalted Al Qur'an among every other book and scriptures....

The Report of Abu Hurayrah: Tafsir Suratul Isra’

Abu Hurairah is arguably the collector and narrator of the highest number of Hadith which are believed to be of a...