Suratul Ahqaf: Allah’s Advice about the Parents

Suratul Ahqaf: Allah's Advice about the ParentsIt is morally believed that parents are priceless treasure that no one must undermine thier...

Allah encompasses and watches all of Man’s Activity: Teachings of Suratul Kahf

Allah encompasses and watches all of Man's Activity: Teachings of Suratul Kahf BACKGROUND According to Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Muhammad's tribe, the powerful Quraysh,...

Man and Devil dispute before Allah: Tafsir Suratul Kahf

Man and Devil dispute before Allah: Tafsir Suratul Kahf BACKGROUND According to Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Muhammad's tribe, the powerful Quraysh, were greatly concerned...

Comforting the Prophet in Suratul Kahf

Comforting the Prophet in Suratul KahfBACKGROUNDAccording to Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Muhammad's tribe, the powerful Quraysh, were greatly concerned about their tribesman...

The Width of the Gates of Paradise

The Width of the Gates of Paradise: Tafsir Suratul ZumarWe ask Allah to make us among its people. In the Two...

The Parable of Shirk

Among the enticing features of Al- Qur'an is the way it speaks directly in some cases and speaks in parable in...

Prophet Luqman’s Advice to His Son

Prophet Luqman's Advice to His SonLuqman (AS) is a prophet of Allah who was among those who reigned before the noble...

The Hadith of Abu Hurayrah in Suratul Lukman: Deeper Context

The Hadith of Abu Hurayrah in Suratul Lukman: Deeper ContextAbu Hurairah is arguably the collector and narrator of the highest number...

Gathering the Wrongdoers on the Day of Resurrection

Gathering the Wrongdoers on the Day of ResurrectionThere has been several chapters and verses of the Holy Qur'an where Allah (SWT),...

How prophet Ibrahim mentions Allah’s Kindness towards Him

Prophet Ibrahim is believed to be the father of all faith, the first prophet of Allah. He, alongside his son, Ismail...