KUFR is basically disbelief in any of the articles of faith in Islam.
The articles of faith are to believe in:
1. Allah
2. His Angels
3. His messengers
4. His revealed books
5. The day of resurrection
6. Al Qadar, divine preordainments( i.e whatever Allaah has ordained must come to pass) whether good or bad.
There are two types of disbelief:-
1. The major disbelief ( Al KUFR Al Akbar)
2. The minor disbelief ( Al KUFR Al Asghar)
Al KUFR Al Akbar – The Major Disbelief
This aspect excludes one completely from the fold of Islaam. There are five ( 5) types of this major disbelief.
- Al KUFR at Takdhib:- implies disbelieving the divine truth or denying any of the articles of faith. It is also called KUFR juhood (surotul baqaaroh: 89 and 146, surotu z zumar: 32,naml :14).
2. Al KUFR Al iba’ wat- Takabbur ma’at Tasdiq: implies rejection and arrogance to submit to Allaah’s commandments after conviction of their truth and it can be refer to as Istikbar ( arrogance)( Surotul baqaaroh: 34) and ‘Inad ( obstinacy)( surotul ‘israa: 61, hijr: 33 and Al a’raaf : 12).
3. Al KUFR ash Shakk was Zann: This implies doubting or lacking of conviction in the six articles of faith. It is also referred to as Jahl ( Ignorance) and belying ( surotul kahf: 35-38, ghaafir: 70, Yunus: 39).
4. Al KUFR Al i’rad: implies turning away from the truth knowingly or deviating from obvious signs which Allaah has revealed. ( Surotul ahqaf: 3).
5. Al KUFR an Nifaq: implies hypocritical disbelief. It is when the heart does not believe and act though the person performs the outward obedience to the Islamic law, just showing people . ( Surotul baqaaroh: 8- 20, surotul munafiqoon : 2-3).
Al KUFR Al Asghar – The Minor Disbelief
This aspect of disbelief does not exclude one from the fold of Islaam. It is also termed kufrun ni’mah. This implies disbelief manifested in ungratefulness for Allaah’s blessings or favours ( surotul nahl: 112).
The Prophet SAW said: when I am gone, do not be kaafirs ( disbelievers) fighting one another.
The prophet SAW also said: “abusing a Muslim is a fisq( rebellious) and fighting one is KUFR”. ( Surotul hujuurat: 9-10).
The prophet SAW said: “And an adulterer does not commit adultery while he is a believer, a thief does not steal while he is a believer, a person does not be steal while he is a believer and a killer does not kill while he is a believer”.
Wallohu ta’ala A’lam.