Al bid’ah means bringing into the religion what is not in the religion but some people seems it is.
If asked, is there any good innovation in the religion? “No” should be the answer, there is no good bid’ah in the religion.
Allaah SWT said of the people of bid’ah in the Qur’an with the following verse:
Allaah said: ( Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects ( all kind of religious sects),you ( O Muhammad S.A.W) have no concern in them in the least , their affairs is only with Allaah). Surotul an’am 6: 159.
Al bid’ah is the opposite of Sunnah, which is to make as law what Allaah does not permit to be made as law.
It is what the holy prophet SAW referred to saying: ” whoever adds to religion/ whoever does a deed which is not of the religion shall be rejected”.
The Prophet SAW also said: ” follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the well guided caliphs after me, take firm hold of it with the molar teeth” i.e hold with full strength.
” Beware of innovations for every innovation in religion is ‘Dhalalah’ ( an act of going astray)”.
The prophet SAW also said: My ummah will be divided into seventy- three sects, all of which will be thrown into hell except one. They are those who follow the way/ path that I follow and my companions follow”They are the saved group.
Some Innovated acts in the religion:-
Reciting solaatul Fatih
Funeral celebration i e burial ceremony (Fidau prayer).
Extravagance in Islamic marriages.
Celebrating other festival apart from the two islaamic festivals ( ‘ eid- ul- Adha wa ‘ eid-ul- Fitr).
Setting out day for tahajjud and laylatul Qadr.
Gathering of people and specification of certain days for du’a.( As- salatu group).
Celebrating the Prophet’s birthday ( mawlud nabiyy). It should neither be celebrated nor marked.
Hanging pictures in mosque and homes.
Celebrating birthdays.
Engagement ceremony.
Gathering together of people after some days, years e.g 3 days, 7 days, 40 days or years after the death of a close relative for prayer. But the righteous children of the deceased can be making du’a for such people. This is allowed.
Singing music with the use of musical instruments which are called Islamic songs. There is nothing like Islamic song but there is Nasheed, Qosiidah and Mahfuudhoh which do not need the use of musical instruments, so therefore the so-called Islamic songs is haraam ( prohibited).
May Allaah save us from Innovated acts and make us among those who adhere strictly to the Sunnah, Aameen.
AsSaalimiy Aboo’Abdillaah.
زادك الله علما وفهما يا أخي الكريم