The Meaning of the Call in the Ayah is the Adhan that precedes the Khutbah

The Meaning of the Call in the Ayah is the Adhan that precedes the Khutbah

In Islam, Friday prayer or Congregational prayer is a prayer that Muslims hold every Friday, after noon instead of the Zuhr prayer. Muslims ordinarily pray five times each day according to the sun’s sky path regardless of time zones. Jumu’ah means Friday in the Arabic language.

At Friday prayers, also called Jummah, he preaches a sermon using words from the Qur’an. The Friday prayers are obligatory for men. Before worshipping Allah, Muslims perform ritual washing called wudu’u, to prepare for prayer.

Muslims pray five times on dailysis, but the most important prayer of the week is “jumah,” on the day of gathering, on Friday with minimum number of 12 people.

The Jummah prayer is a important prayer in Islam because it is different from a daily prayer and more important. Allah made the Jummah prayer a sacred prayer for Muslims and a prayer that is obligatory for Muslims.

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he was made to enter Paradise, on it he was expelled from it.

Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) reported that ‘Five are the demonstrations of fitra (nature/ instinct). They are; 1) circumcision, 2) evacuating the hair underneath the navel, 3) trimming the mustache, 4) trimming the nails, and 5) culling the hair under the arms. All these Sunnah of the prophet are expected to be done by the believers, before the congregational prayer on every Fridays.

However, In a narration from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it was stated that the one who reads Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays will find his entire week enlightened until the next Friday (al-Jaami).

Surat Al-Jumuʿah is the 62nd chapter of the Quran, with 11 verses. The chapter is named al-jumu`ah because it is the day of assembly, when the community abandons trade, transactions and other diversions in favor of assembling to seek the all-encompassing truth and most beneficent and seek the “bounty of God” exclusively.

Shaykh al-Tusi has also recorded that, it is highly recommended to recite Surah al-Tawhid, to invoke Almighty Allah’s blessings upon Muhammad and his Household, and to pray for forgiveness each one hundred times after the Fajr Prayer on Fridays.

In surat Al Jumu’ah, Allah says;

﴿إِذَا نُودِىَ لِلصَّلَوةِ مِن يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ﴾

(When the call is proclaimed for the Salah on Friday,) referring to the Adhan which was called, during the time of the Prophet , when he came out of his house and sat on the Minbar. The Adhan would be called before the Prophet near the door of the Masjid. As for the earlier Adhan that the Leader of the faithful, `Uthman bin Affan added, it was done because the Muslims increased in number during his time. Al-Bukhari recorded that As-Sa’ib bin Yazid said, “In the lifetime of the Prophet , Abu Bakr and `Umar, the Adhan for the Friday prayer was pronounced while the Imam sat on the pulpit. But during `Uthman’s later time when the Muslims increased in number, an additional call was pronouced upon Az-Zawra’, meaning the Adhan was called upon the house which was called Az-Zawra”’ Az-Zawra’ was the tallest house in Al-Madinah near the Masjid.

Credit: Tafsir Ibn Kathir


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