Patience is the ability or capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
As Muslims, it is one of our duty to be patient in whatever conditions we found ourselves in. It leads to peace or peaceful relationships between people and it is considered to be half of faith, and it is also said to be holding one’s soul from being impatient and displeased, holding the tongue from complaining and the body parts from harming himself or others.
Patience is mentioned in many places in the Qur’an and Sunnah of the beloved prophet (peace be upon him), which shows the virtues and greatness of patience.
Allaah SWT said in His kitaab:
”Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without Hisaab( without limit, calculation) Q 39: 10.”
It paves way for the patient to attain eternal success. It elevates the faith (eemaan) of the patient one when tested with difficulty, trials, and tribulations. It distinguishes the true believer who is patient during their difficult situation, relying totally upon Allaah, putting their trust in Him while knowing, surely Allaah will never them alone.
In His kitaab, Allaah, the mighty and exalted said:
”And be patient, surely, Allaah is with those who are patient”.
With patience, many of the world’s problems can be solved by putting in place the necessary things and advising one another on perseverance. Our goals in this life can also be achieved by knowing and accepting that whatever will be for us will never pass us, but whatever that is not destined to be ours will never be ours.
In whatever situation we found ourselves in, it is enjoined on us to be patient because no condition is permanent.
Allaah SWT said in His kitaab:
”For indeed, with hardship, there will be ease”.
He said this twice, showing the firmness of this statement. The Prophet SAW also advise us to be patient at the first instance of action.
” Seek patience at the first instance of an action”.
That is, we should not be in hurry to react to an action done to us or to judge two people.
Patience is needed by the student of knowledge to excel in his studies and achieve his goals.
Patience is needed when making du’a we should not lose hope when there is a delay in response or acceptance of our du’a, we should be patient.
Patience is needed by adult children in dealing with their parents, they should not be rude or arrogant, they should be utmostly merciful and respectful to them, no matter the case may be.
Patience is needed by couples, they should live to tolerate and accept each other and correct mistakes patiently and kindly.
Patience is most needed by the callers to the Deen(Du’at), who are upon the methodology of the noblest of mankind, Muhammad BN Abdillaah ( SAW). They should take lessons from the prophet’s life and experience as an example and be rest assured that victory will come at last, bi’idhnillah.
Conclusion: patience is indeed needed in all our affairs for it brings or leads to nothing but good so, therefore,
Be Patience!