Imaam ‘Uthmaan BN Sa’eed ( WARSH) > The great Reciter

This is a brief glimpse from the life of one of the great Reciter of the Holy Qur’an ( Imaam of recitation, Qaari). He was a student of al Imaam Naafi’ Al Madani, he recite to him, together with Qaloon, another student of Imaam Naafi’ with great proficiency.

He was ‘Uthmaan BN Sa’eed BN ‘Abdillaah BN ‘Amr BN Sulaymaan BN Ibroheem. He was the mawla ( freed slave) of Ahlu Zubayr BN ‘Awwaam ( family of Zubayr BN’Awwaam). His kunya ( agnomen) was Abu Sa’eed;while his nickname ( laaqob) was Warsh. It was said that Imaam Naafi’ gave him the name ” Warsh”. There are two report on it, it was said that Imaam Naafi’ used to call him warshan and it was later turn to Warsh relating to laban ( milk) due to the fact that he was very light in complexion.
He was born in Misra (Egypt) in 110A.H i.e after hijrah. He left Egypt to met Imaam Naafi’. It was said that when he got to Imaam Naafi’, he did not find a place to recite because Imaam Naafi’ had many students that it was difficult to find an opportunity to recite to him.
Before Warsh came to Imaam Naafi’, he was a Qaari in his city but want to learn from an elderly and bigger Qaari, and pick the Qiraa’ah i.e recitation of Naafi’.
When he got to Imaam, he did not find a place then he was asked to stay in the mosque so that he will be the first person to recite.
Imaam Naafi’ do not allow his students to recite more than thirty verses to him due to their large number so when Warsh recite to him, it was said that his voice was so beautiful that the next student told Imaam Naafi’ to allow Warsh to take ten out of his recitation. However, he was allow to take ten by other students too until he finish the recitation of the whole Qur’an to Imaam Naafi’ in seven days, which is very unusual, which ought to take a year or 2 years.
He died during the time of Ameer UL mu’mineen ( leader of the believers) Caliph Al ma’moon about 197 A.H.

His method of recitation is not really use in the part of the Muslim world though it is being taught along with other recitations.
May Allaah have mercy on him, Aameen.


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