Imaam Naafi’ Al Madani – The Man With The Golden Chain (Isnad)

He was Naafi’ BN AbdirRahmaan BN Abi Na’eem. His kunya was Abu Ruwayl or Abul Hasan or Abu AbdirRahmaan. He was born around 70 A.H. He was a short person.

He was a mawla of jaawadda, who was a neighbour of Hamzah bn Abdilmutallib or ‘Abbaas BN Abdilmutallib.

He was among the seven mutawaatiroh. He was short, very dark, handsome and he is from Asbihaan. He was well mannered. He learnt the Qur’an from 70 taabi’in, taabi’in like Abu ja’afar( one of the seven reciter), Muslim BN jundub, AbdurRahmaan BN Armaaz Al armad.

Naafi’ recited from Abu ja’afar from ibn ‘Ayaash from Abu robi’ah Al makhzumi from ibn ‘Abbaas, also from Abu Hurayroh, and from ubaƴy BN ka’b from the prophet SAW.
He also recited to Shaybah and also from to ibn ‘Ayaash, all leading back to the Prophet.

He also recited to Shaybah who recited to Sa’eed BN Musayyib who recited to ‘ ibn ‘Abbaas and this also surely leads to the Prophet SAW. He has many chain that leads to the Prophet SAW, for this, he is called the man with the Golden chain.

He was an Imaam of Qiraa’ah ( recitation) in Madiinah. The Qiraa’ah of Naafi’was mutawaatiroh due to the fact that he recited from 70 taabi’in.

It was reported that whenever he want to recite, there used to be smell of musk coming out of his mouth. He was about it by one of his students. He said, this happen ever since he saw the prophet SAW in his sleep and he recited into his mouth.

Some of his students are: Imaam Maalik ( Imaam Dar hijrah), layth BN sa’ab, Warsh and Qaloon.

Imaam Maalik was asked about Imaam Naafi’s Qiraa’ah, he said the Qiraa’ah of ahlu Madinah is Sunnah i.e Qiraa’ah of Naafi’ is Sunnah.

His (Imaam Naafi’) last word, to his children were ” fear Allaah and perfect that which is between you if truly you are a believer. He died around 169 A.H

Wallohu ta’ala A’lam.


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