These are people we should all emulate, choose as models and tread their path. We should be concerned that what deed did they do to achieve this feat from this world.
We should all learn about their lifetime and study it extensively instead of busying ourselves with that which is not beneficial to us.
They all lead a complete life, if it is on leadership, then Abubakr As- Siddiq, Umaar BN Al Khattab, Ali BN Abi Talib, in fact the four rightly guided caliphs, their exemplary leadership role is worth of emulation.
If it is the aspect of business and entrepreneurship, then the wealthy ‘AbdurRahmaan BN Auf is there for us, so also is the Caliph ‘Uthmaan BN ‘Affaan. The other people are also in one way or the other stand out from the other people.
Their list in order:
1.’Abdullaah BN ‘Uthmaan, he is popularly known as Abu Bakr bn Abi Quhaafah. The first rightly guided caliph.
2. Umaar BN Al Khattab, Al faaruuq, Abu Hafsoh. The second rightly guided caliph.
3. ‘Uthmaan BN’Affaan, he is called dhul nurayn, for he married two daughters of the prophet SAW.
4. ‘Ali BN Abi Talib, Abul- Hussain, the cousin and son-in-law of the prophet SAW.
5. ‘AbdurRahmaan BN Auf. The wealthy companion , ready to give all he has for the sake of Islaam.
6. Zubayr BN’Awwaam, also a cousin of the prophet SAW.
7 . ‘Abdullaah BN Abi talhah.
8. Sa’d BN Abi waqqas.
9.’Ubaydullah BN jarrah.
10. Sa’eed BN Zayd.
Details about each one of them to come soon, bi’idhnillah.