Must Read


TAFSIR: SURAT NA'AHL, TWO VERSE AND TWO LESSONSSuratul Na'ahl was revealed to the Holy Prophet in Makkah. It preaches the supremacy of Allah over all...

Al Isra’ (The Night Journey): Behind the Prophet Muhammad Isra’ wal...

Al Isra' (The Night Journey): Behind the Prophet Muhammad Isra' wal Miraj﴿سُبْحَانَ الَّذِى أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلاً مّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الاْقْصَى الَّذِى بَارَكْنَا...

10 Given Glad Tidings Of Jannah (Paradise) By The Prophet SAW

These are people we should all emulate, choose as models and tread their path. We should be concerned that what deed did...

The Mutashabihat and Muhkamat Ayat in Surat Ali Imran

The Mutashabihat and Muhkamat Ayat in Surat Ali ImranAmong the features that distinguishes the Holy Qur'an from other books and scriptures are the powerful...


This is a glance into the life of two noble companions of the prophet SAW, father and son.When Abdullah Ibn 'Amr...

Encouraging Gratitude: Quran Perspectives

Encouraging Gratitude: Quran PerspectivesAmong several places where Allah (SWT) has mentioned virtues of gratitude and encouraged the act in the holy Qur'an is Surat...

What Islam Says About Hardship – Lesson From The Life of...

If Allah afflicts you with any hardship, none other than He can remove it. Firm and true faith is the hallmark of Islam....

The Virtues of Reciting the Qur’an

The Qur'an is the word of Allah revealed to the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) for a period of 23 years through Angel Jubril. It...

RAMADAN LECTURE!! How To Have A Rewarding Ramadan Season – Ustadh...

Ramadan period comes with reward to all Muslim who go through the season according to the tenets of Allah.In this video, Ustadh Habeebullah Olamilekan...

Only God Dethrones! – Embattled Abuja Chief Imaam, speaks on suspension...

The embattled Chief Imam of Apo Legislative Quarters Mosque in Abuja, Shiekh Nuru Khalid, who was suspended over a sermon considered to be “anti-government”...


TAFSIR: SURAT NA'AHL, TWO VERSE AND TWO LESSONSSuratul Na'ahl was revealed to the Holy Prophet in Makkah. It preaches the supremacy of Allah over all...

Is Christmas Celebration Considered Idol Worshiping In Islam? READ THIS

Assalaamu'alaykum wa rahmotullohBismilLahir- Rahmaanir- Raheem. In the name of ALLAAH, the most compassionate in mercy, the most merciful.All praise and adoration be unto...

How Allah Prohibits Division

How Allah Prohibits DivisionIslam is believed to be a religion of peace, in which Allah has vowed that it will not condone anything unless...

Man and Devil dispute before Allah: Tafsir Suratul Kahf

Man and Devil dispute before Allah: Tafsir Suratul Kahf BACKGROUND According to Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Muhammad's tribe, the powerful Quraysh, were greatly concerned about their tribesman...

10 Given Glad Tidings Of Jannah (Paradise) By The Prophet SAW

These are people we should all emulate, choose as models and tread their path. We should be concerned that what deed did...

Becoming A Good Wife In Islam – Here Are 5 Things...

To be a decent and good wife has been a goal for every woman in the world. That likewise occurs for Muslim women that...

The Virtues of spending and fighting before the Conquest of Makkah

The Virtues of spending and fighting before the Conquest of MakkahThe religion of Allah, Islam, has mandated the true believers among Muslims to believe...

TAFSIR: Reasons behind the revelation of Suratul Kahf

Muhammad bin Ishaq mentioned the reason why this Surah was revealed.He said that an old man from among the people of Egypt who came...